Réduction de la cavitation par signaux codés
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Focused liver ablation by cavitation in the rabbit: a potential new method of extracorporeal treatment
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Increased chemocytotoxicity to colon cancer cells by shock wave-induced cavitation
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Gastroenterology, 106(4) , 937- 944, 1994
Hemodynamic and PetCO2 variations during Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
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Simultaneous monitoring of non invasive hemodynamic profile and capnography for tissue perfusion evaluation
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J Anesth, 8 , 400- 405, 1994
Utilisation d'une émulsion de fluorocarbure pour la conservation en normothermie de blocs multi-viscéraux chez le rat : Etude préliminaire
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High intensity focused ultrasound vs hepatectomy for VX-2 carcinoma in the rabbit: preliminary results of an experimental randomized study
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Alterazioni emodinamiechi e variazioni della pressione tele-espiratoria di CO2 (Pet CO2) nelle anestesie per colecistectomia per via laparoscopica
Rinaldi A, Muchada R
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Non-invasive measurement of direct and reflected pulse waves in human lower limbs
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Etude atraumatique de la propagation de l'onde de pouls au niveau des membres inférieurs chez l'homme
Risacher F, Jossinet J, Schmitt M
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Rat multiple organ blocks perfused with perfluorooctyl bromide emulsions
Voiglio EJ, Gorry F, Zarif L, Margonari J, Cloix P, Riess J, Dubernard JM
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Bioelectrical spectroscopy from multi-frequency EIT
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Physiol Meas, 15 , A59- A63, 1994
Active current electrodes for in vivo electrical impedance tomography
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Physiol Meas, 15 , A83- A90, 1994
Electrode-Electrolyte Interface Impedance: Detection of the onset of linearity
McAdams ET, Jossinet J
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 41(5) , 1- 3, 1994
A physical interpretation of Schwan's limit voltage of linearity
McAdams ET, Jossinet J
Med Biol Eng Comput, 32(2) , 126- 130, 1994
Performance and operation of a set of wideband current generators for EIT
Jossinet J, Tourtel G, Jarry R
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A 2MHz wide band full wave distributed impedance tomograph
Jossinet J, Tourtel G, Risacher F
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Neural networks for data classification in electrical impedance tomography
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Neural Networks for data classification in Electrical Impedance Tomography
Lau NJ, Jossinet J, Marques de Sà JP, Reis LP
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AC impedance of the hydrogel-skin interface
McAdams ET, Lackermeier A, Jossinet J
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Design and characterization of a shock wave generator using canalized electrical discharge: Application to lithotripsy
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On the spectral properties of Doppler thread phantoms
Ultrasound in Med and Biol, 20(7) , 601- 610, 1994
Effects of high-intensity ultrasound on malignant cells and tissues
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Application of newer forms of therapeutic energy in urology , 107- 114, 1994
Acquisition and analysis of the impedance cardiogram (ICG) in the detection of ventricular arrhythmias
Dempsey GJ, Imam SZ, Johnston PW, Jossinet J
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Hemodinamica y circulacion extracorporea en cirugia cardiaca
Muchada R
- Barcelona - Espana
17 Septembre 1993