Quantitative assessment of ultrasound-induced resistance change in saline solution
Lavandier B, Jossinet J, Cathignol D
Med Biol Eng Comput, 38 , 150- 155, 2000
Classification of breast tissue by electrical impedance spectroscopy
Estrela J, Marques de Sa JM, Jossinet J
Med Biol Eng Comput, 38(1) , 26- 30, 2000
Non-linear transient response of electrode-electrolyte interfaces
McAdams ET, Jossinet J
Med Biol Eng Comput, 38(4) , 427- 432, 2000
Destruction endoscopique des tumeurs des voies biliaires par sonde intra-canalaire à ultrasons: résultats préliminaires
Prat F, Lafon C, Theillère Y, Pelletier G, Buffet C, Cathignol D
- -
Experimental measurement of the acousto-electric interaction signal in saline solution
Lavandier B, Jossinet J, Cathignol D
Ultrasonics, 38(9) , 929- 936, 2000
Endoscopic destruction of ampullary and bile duct carcinomas by high intensity ultrasound during ERCP: Preliminary results of a pilot study
Prat F, Lafon C, Theillère Y, Pelletier G, Fritsch J, Cathignol D
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Treatment of localized prostate cancer by transrectal focused ultrasound therapy (HIFU)
Gelet A, Chapelon JY, Bouvier R, Rouvière O, Lasne Y, Dubernard JM
- Rhodes - Grece
2-5 Septembre 1999
Treatment of localized prostate cancer by transrectal focused ultrasound therapy (HIFU)
Gelet A, Chapelon JY, Bouvier R, Rouvière O, Lasne Y, Dubernard JM
- Rhodes - Grèce
2-5 Septembre 1999
Ischemic colitis after colonoscopy
Prignet JM, Gilles B, Duval JL, Chauveau E, Carrere C
A high-intensity US probe designed for intraductal tumor destruction: experimental results.
Prat F, Lafon C, Margonari J, Gorry F, Theillere Y, Chapelon JY, Cathignol D
Gastrointest. Endosc., 50(3) , 388- 392, 1999
Generation of high power unipolar pulse with a piezocomposite transducer
Sferruzza JP, Birer A, Theillère Y, Cathignol D
- Lake Tahoe - USA
17-20 Octobre 1999
1.5D multi-elements phased array applied to high intensity focused ultrasound
Curiel L, Chavrier F, Souchon R, Birer A, Chapelon JY
1999 IEEE Ultrasonics International Symposium - Lake Tahoe - USA
17-20, OCT 1999
Ultrasound interstitial applicator for digestive endoscopy: in vivo destruction of bilary tissues
Lafon C, Prat F, Arefiev A, Theillere Y
1999 IEEE Ultrasonics International Symposium - Lake Tahoe - USA
17-20, OCT 1999
Desmoid tumor arising in a cesarean section scar during pregnancy: Monitoring and management
De Cian F, Delay E, Rudigoz RC, Ranchere D, Rivoire M
GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY, 75(1) , 145- 148, 1999
Réglage de fréquence dans un appareil de traitement par ultrasons focalisés de haute intensité
(FR2778573) , 1999
Procédé de mesure de l'effet d'un traitement sur un tissu
Chapelon JY, RIBAULT Mathieu, BLANC Emmanuel, LACOSTE François
(FR2778574) , 1999
Traitement du cancer localisé de la prostate par ultrasons
Gelet A, Chapelon JY, Bouvier R, Rouvière O, Lasne Y, Dubernard JM
- Paris -
19 Novembre 1999
Destruction of bile duct carcinoma by ultrasound (US) during ERCP: preliminary results of a pilot study
Prat F, Lafon C, Theillère Y, Pelletier G, Buffet C, Cathignol D
- -
13-18 Novembre 1999
Theoretical comparison of two interstitial ultrasound applicators designed to induce cylindrical zones of tissue ablation.
Lafon C, Chavrier F, Prat F, Chapelon JY, Cathignol D
Med Biol Eng Comput, 37(3) , 298- 303, 1999
Generation of very high pressure pulse at the surface of a sandwiched piezoelectric material
Sferruzza JP, Birer A, Cathignol D
- Berlin - Allemagne
14-19 Mars 1999
Prospective evaluation of transnasal esophagogastroduodenoscopy: feasibility and study on performance and tolerance
Dumortier J, Ponchon T, Scoazec JY, Moulinier B, Zarka F, Paliard P, Lambert R
GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY, 49(3) , 285- 291, 1999
Effects of ethanol and diabetes on galactose oxidative metabolism and elimination in rats
Mion F, Geloen A, Minaire Y
Thérapie par ultrasons
Cathignol D, Chapelon JY
- Lyon -
11 Mai 1999
Treatment of localized prostate cancer by transrectal high intensity focused ultrasound therapy (HIFU)
Gelet A, Chapelon JY, Bouvier R, Pangaud C, Lasne Y, Dubernard JM
- Dallas - USA
1-6 Mai 1999
Local control of prostate cancer with HIFU: preliminary results of european study
Vallancien G, Guilloneau B, Desgrandchamps F, Leduc A, Thüroff S, Chaussy C, Kiel HJ, Gelet A
- Dallas - USA
1-6 Mai 1999