[Teratoid cyst: a rare tongue tumor in children]
Gleizal A, Nimeskern N, Lebreton F, Beziat JL
Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale, 106(6) , 360-2, 2005
[Growth defects of fibular flaps in children]
Gleizal A, Revol P, Bouletreau P, Sailhan F, Freidel M, Breton P
Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale, 106(6) , 352-5, 2005
[Free fibular flaps in children: morbidity of the donor site and pitfalls to avoid]
Gleizal A, Revol P, Bouletreau P, Sailhan F, Freidel M, Breton P
Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale, 106(6) , 349-51, 2005
Alveolar concentrations of pipeyacillin/tazobactam administered in continuous infusion to patients with ventilatoy-associated pneumonia
Boselli Emmanuel, Breilh Dominique, Rimmele Thomas, Guillaume Christian, Xuereb Fabien, Saux Marie-Claude, Bouvet Lionel, Chassard Dominique, Allaouchiche Bernard
45th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy - Washington, DC -
16-19, DEC 2005
Use of multichannel intraluminal pH-impedance monitoring to document extra esophageal manifestations of gastro-esophageal reflux
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Modélisation de la conductivité électrique des suspensions de particules ellipsoïdales
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[Lacrimal sac melanoma]
Gleizal A, Nimeskern N, Kodjikian L, Beziat JL
Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale, 106(2) , 103-5, 2005
External Ultrasonic Valvuloplasty
Milleret R, Pichardo S, Curiel L, Pichot O, Lacoste F, Chapelon JY
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Avril 2005
Preliminary tolerance and efficacy evaluation of a new air-filled intragastric balloon associated with nutritional support in non-morbid obesity
Mion F, Napoleon B, Roman S, Beorchia S, Hedelius F, Claudel N, Bory RM
10th World Congress of the International-Federation-for-the-Surgery-of-Obesity/19th International Symposium on Obesity Surgery/4th International Symposium on Allied Health Sciences - Maastricht, NETHERLANDS -
AUG 2005
A novel function for cadherin-11 in the regulation of motor axon elongation and fasciculation
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Effects of intragastric balloon on gastric emptying and plasma ghrelin levels in non-morbid obese patients
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OBESITY SURGERY, 15(4) , 510- 516, 2005
Synergistic inhibitory effect of high-intensity focused ultrasound combined with chemotherapy on Dunning adenocarcinoma.
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BJU Int., 95(6) , 881- 885, 2005
Clinical impact of capsule endoscopy compared to push enteroscopy: 1-year follow-up study.
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Endoscopy, 37(4) , 318- 323, 2005
Technology Insight: high-intensity focused ultrasound for urologic cancers
Chaussy C, Thuroff S, Rebillard X, Gelet A
Nature Clinical Practice Urology, 2(4) , 191- 198, 2005
Etude expérimentale de l'abaissement des seuils de cavitation par combinaison non linéaire de faisceaux ultrasonores focalisés de fréquences proches
Gilles B, Renzi C, Béra JC, Cathignol D
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29-2 Août 2005
Prostate cancer control with transrectal HIFU in 230 patients: five-year results
Gelet A, Chapelon JY, Poissonier L, Curiel L, Bouvier R, Rouvière O, Bah-Clozel I, Dubernard JM
23rd World Congress on Endourology - Amsterdam - Pays-Bas
25 Août 2005
Local recurrence of prostate cancer after external beam radiation: early experience of salvage therapy using high intensity focused ultrasound
Gelet A, Chapelon JY, Poissonnier L, Bouvier R, Colombel M, Curiel L, Vallancien G
23rd World Congress on Endourology - Amsterdam - Pays-Bas
25 Août 2005
Tissue ablation with high intensity ultrasound
Chapelon JY, Pichardo S, Curiel L, Chavrier F, Angel YC
- St Petersburg - Russie
2-9 Août 2005
Three-dimensional simulation of ultrasound propagation through trabecular bone structures measured by synchrotron microtomography
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PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 50(23) , 5545- 5556, 2005
Differential targeting and functional specialization of sodium channels in cultured cerebellar granule cells
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JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 569(3) , 801- 816, 2005
Bilan d'imagerie avant curiethérapie pour cancer de la prostate
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Nouvelles approches de la curiethérapie par implants permanents d'I125 dans la prostate, Centre Léon Bérard et Institut Claudius Régaud - Lyon -
Cancer de prostate : Techniques et protocoles d'IRM
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Société d'Imagerie Génito-Urinaire / Association Française d'Urologie - Lille -
Bioimpedance and p-Health.
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Stud Health Technol Inform, 117 , 35- 42, 2005
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-directed focused ultrsound. Methods and applications in oncological treatment
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Surgical resection of gastrointestinal stromal tumor after treatment with imatinib: clinical case
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