Thermal ablation of prostatic tumors with focused US
Rouvière O, Gelet A, Chapelon JY, Lyonnet D
European Congress of Radiology - Vienne - Autriche
Sensitivity of the inferior lip and chin following mandibular bilateral sagittal split osteotomy using piezochirurgy
Geha HJ, Gleizal A, Nimeskern NJ, Beziat JL
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 118(7) , 1598- 1607, 2006
Epidemiologic and clinical study of macrostomias. Report series of ten observations
Gleizal A, Comiti S, Caquant L, Beziat JL
Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique, 51(3) , 217- 222, 2006
Synovial osteochondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint
Nimeskern N, Gleizal A, Geha H, Beziat JL
Revue de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale, 107(6) , 483- 485, 2006
Image-based control of the magnetic resonance imaging- guided focused ultrasound thermotherapy
Salomir R, Delemazure AS, Palussière J, Rouvière O, Cotton F, Chapelon JY
Top Magn Reson Imaging, 17(3) , 139- 151, 2006
Granulomatous renal masses following intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy: the central unaffected calyx sign
Tonina-Senés A, Badet L, Lyonnet D, Rouvière O
British Journal of Radiology , 2006
Prostate dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with low temporal resolution: is it reasonable?
Rouvière O, Girouin N, Mège-Lechevallier F, Tonina Senes A, Maréchal JM, Colombel M, Lyonnet D
European Congress of Radiology - Vienne - Autriche
Ultrasons et thérapie
Lafon C, Cathignol D, Chapelon JY
Matériaux et acoustique 3 - Caractérisation des matériaux, contrôle non destructif et applications médicales , 328- 342, 2006
Numerical field intensity factor calculations for 1-3 piezocomposite structures
Closset E, Trompette P, Birer A, Cathignol D
IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelec, 53(11) , 2140- 2151, 2006
Transient ultrasound radiation force elastography: A preliminary comparison with surface palpation elastography
Melodelima D, Bamber J, Duck F, Shipley J
- Vancouver - Canada
In vivo MR elastography of the liver: preliminary results
Rouvière O, Yin M, Dresner MA, Rossman PJ, Burgart LJ, Fidler JL, Ehman RL
Radiology, 240 , 440- 448, 2006
Ileal carcinoid with liver metastasis presenting after ten years with abdominal mass and right heart failure: report of case
Stella M, Decian F, Mithieux F, Meeus P, Rivoire M
Tumori, 92(1) , 83- 85, 2006
Interface effects and coherent waves in porous elastic media
Aguiar AR, Angel YC
Mathematics and mechanics of solids, 11(2) , 196- 215, 2006
MRI-guided focused ultrasound: Methodology and applications
Hokland SL, Pedersen M, Salomir R, Quesson B, Stodkilde-Jorgensen , Moonen CTW
IEEE Trans Medical Imaging, 25(6) , 723- 731, 2006
Chapitre 4.4, Elastographie (18 pages)
Souchon R, Catheline S
Bruneau M, Potel C, Matériaux et acoustique 3 : caractérisation non destructive et application médicales (Matériaux et Acoustique, Traité MIM, série alliages métalliques) , 2006
Feasibility of simultaneus temperature and tissue stiffness detection by MRE
Le Y, Glaser K, Rouvière O, Ehman R, Felmlee JP
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 55(3) , 700- 705, 2006
Fiducal markers for MR histological correlation in ex vivo or short-term in vivo animal experiments: a screening study
Rouvière O, Reynolds C, Le Y, Lai J, Roberts LR, Felmlee JP, Ehman RL
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 23(1) , 50- 59, 2006
64-Element intraluminal ultrasound cylindrical phased array applicator compatible with magnetic resonance imaging for transesophageal thermal ablation
Melodelima D, Salomir R, Mougenot C, Moonen C, Cathignol D
Medical Physics, 33(8) , 2926- 2934, 2006
Assessment of electrical impedance endotomography for hardware specification
Jossinet J, Fournier-Desseux A, Matias A
Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal (online journal), 2(2) , e24- e24, 2006
Aspect chirurgicaux et économiques de la chirurgie mini invasive du cancer de la prostate : Le traitement des séquelles (Sphincter)
Gelet A
Stage de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon I - Hopital E. Herriot , 2005
Présentation de l'Ablatherm lors de l'inauguration de l'Institut de Cancérologie de la Loire
Gelet A
Journée d'Echange et d'Autoévaluation en Cancérologie Prostatique , 2005
Transient ultrasound elastography for breast cancer diagnosis using impulsive radiation force: an in vitro study
Melodelima D, Bamber JC, Duck FA, Shipley JA
- Rotterdam - Pays-Bas
18-21 Septembre 2005
Wavelet shrinkage-based strain estimation for elastography
Xu L, Bamber JC, Melodelima D
- Rotterdam - Pays-Bas
18-21 Septembre 2005
[Haemostatic efficacy of a high intensity focused ultrasound applicator in lower pole partial nephrectomy in the pig].
Murat FJ, Lafon C, Cathignol D, Theillère Y, Gelet A, Chapelon JY, Martin X
Prog. Urol., 15(4) , 684-8, 2005
Out of phase magnetic resonance imaging and liver applications
Chave G, Milot L, Pilleul F
JOURNAL DE RADIOLOGIE, 86(9) , 993- 997, 2005