Linkedin Labtau  


Last updated 19 August 2024

Displaying 2801 - 2825 of 6451
  • The use of Piezosurgery (TM) for external dacryocystorhinostomy
    Rougeot Amelie, Koppe Matthieu, Gleizal Arnaud
  • Detection of deeply implanted impedance-switching devices using ultrasound doppler.
    Mari Jean Martial, Lafon Cyril, Chapelon Jean Yves
    IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 60(6) , 1074- 1083, 2013
  • Does hormone therapy modify the position of the gold markers in the prostate during irradiation? A daily evaluation with kV-images.
    Udrescu C, De Bari B, Rouviere O, Ruffion A, Michel-Amadry G, Jalade P, Devonec M, Colombel M, Chapet O
    Cancer Radiother, 17(3) , 215- 220, 2013
  • Management of bile duct leaks.
    Pioche M, Ponchon T
    J Visc Surg, 150(3) , S33- S38, 2013
  • Differentiation of transitional zone prostate cancer from benign hyperplasia nodules: evaluation of discriminant criteria at multiparametric MRI.
    Chesnais A L, Niaf E, Bratan F, Mege-Lechevallier F, Roche S, Rabilloud M, Colombel M, Rouviere O
    Clin Radiol, 68(6) , E323- E330, 2013
  • Imaging of Shear Waves Induced by Lorentz Force in Soft Solids
    Grasland-Mongrain Pol, Catheline Stefan, Souchon Remi, Cartellier Florian, Zorgani Ali, Montalescot Sandra, Chapelon Jean-Yves, Lafon Cyril
    IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) - Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC -
    21-25, JUL 2013
  • Two-dimensional Shear Elasticity Imaging Using External Mechanical Vibration
    Zhao Heng, Song Pengfei, Manduca Armando, Kinnick Randall R, Urban Matthew W, Greenleaf James F, Chen Shigao, Catheline Stefan
    IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) - Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC -
    21-25, JUL 2013
  • Towards 4DCT-US image fusion for liver motion monitoring
    Blanc Remi, Melodelima David, Rit Simon, Rivoire Michel, Sarrut David
    IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) - Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC -
    21-25, JUL 2013
  • Fusion modeling for predicting the impact of in-vivo liver motion on HIFU therapies
    N'Djin W Apoutou, Chapelon Jean-Yves, Melodelima David
    2013 IEEE UFFC Symposium - Prague - République Tchèque
    21-25, JUL 2013
  • Mid-rapidity anti-baryon to baryon ratios in pp collisions at root s=0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV measured by ALICE
    Abbas E, Abelev B, Adam J, Adamova D, Adare A M, Aggarwal M M, Rinella G Aglieri, Agnello M, Agocs A G, Agostinelli A, Ahammed Z, Ahmad N, Masoodi A Ahmad, Ahmed I, Ahn S A, Ahn S U, Aimo I, Ajaz M, Akindinov A, Aleksandrov D, Alessandro B, Alici A, Alkin A, Almarz Avina E, Alme J, Alt T, Altini V, Altinpinar S, Altsybeev I, Andrei C, Andronic A, Anguelov V, Anielski J, Anson C, Anticic T, Antinori F, Antonioli P, Aphecetche L, Appelshaeuser H, Arbor N, Arcelli S, Arend A, Armesto N, Arnaldi R, Aronsson T, Arsene I C, Arslandok M, Asryan A, Augustinus A, Averbeck R, Awes T C, Aeystoe J, Azmi M D, Bach M, Badala A, Baek Y W, Bailhache R, Bala R, Baldisseri A, Pedrosa F Baltasar Dos Santos, Ban J, Baral R C, Barbera R, Barile F, Barnafoeldi G, Barnby L S, Barret V, Bartke J, Basile M, Bastid N, Basu S, Bathen B, Batigne G, Batyunya B, Batzing P C, Baumann C, Bearden I G, Beck H, Behera N K, Belikov I, Bellini F, Bellwied R, Belmont-Moreno E, Bencedi G, Beole S, Berceanu I, Bercuci A, Berdnikov Y, Berenyi D, Bergognon A A E, Bertens R A, Berzano D, Betev L, Bhasin A, Bhati A K, Bhom J, Bianchi N, Bianchi L, Bianchin C, Bielcik J, Bielcikova J, Bilandzic A, Bjelogrlic S, Blanco F, Blanco F, Blau D, Blume C, Boccioli M, Boettger S, Bogdanov A, Boggild H, Bogolyubsky M, Boldizsar L, Bombara M, Book J, Borel H, Borissov A, Bossu F, Botje M, Botta E, Braidot E, Braun-Munzinger P, Bregant M, Breitner T, Broker T A, Browning T A, Broz M, Brun R, Bruna E, Bruno G E, Budnikov D, Buesching H, Bufalino S, Buncic P, Busch O, Buthelezi Z, Caffarri D, Cai X, Caines H, Villar E Calvo, Camerini P, Roman V Canoa, Romeo G Cara, Carena F, Carena W, Filho N Carlin, Carminati F, Diaz A Casanova, Castellanos J Castillo, Hernandez J F Castillo, Casula E A R, Catanescu V, Cavicchioli C, Sanchez C Ceballos, Cepila J, Cerello P, Chang B, Chapeland S, Charvet J L, Chattopadhyay S, Chattopadhyay S, Cherney M, Cheshkov C, Cheynis B, Barroso V Chibante, Chinellato D D, Chochula P, Chojnacki M, Choudhury S, Christakoglou P, Christensen C H, Christiansen P, Chujo T, Chung S U, Cicalo C, Cifarelli L, Cindolo F, Cleymans J, Colamaria F, Colella D, Collu A, Balbastre G Conesa, del Valle Z Conesa, Connors M E, Contin G, Contreras J G, Cormier T M, Morales Y Corrales, Cortese P, Cortes Maldonado I, Cosentino M R, Costa F, Cotallo M E, Crescio E, Crochet P, Cruz Alaniz E, Cruz Albino R, Cuautle E, Cunqueiro L, Dainese A, Dang R, Danu A, Das K, Das S, Das D, Das I, Dash S, Dash A, De S, de Barros G O V, De Caro A, de Cataldo G, de Cuveland J, De Falco A, De Gruttola D, Delagrange H, Deloff A, De Marco N, Denes E, De Pasquale S, Deppman A, Erasmo G D, de Rooij R, Corchero M A Diaz, Di Bari D, Dietel T, Di Giglio C, Di Liberto S, Di Mauro A, Di Nezza P, Divia R, Djuvsland O, Dobrin A, Dobrowolski T, Doenigus B, Dordic O, Driga O, Dubey A K, Dubla A, Ducroux L, Dupieux P, Majumdar A K Dutta, Elia D, Emschermann D, Engel H, Erazmus B, Erdal H A, Eschweiler D, Espagnon B, Estienne M, Esumi S, Evans D, Evdokimov S, Eyyubova G, Fabris D, Faivre J, Falchieri D, Fantoni A, Fasel M, Fehlker D, Feldkamp L, Felea D, Feliciello A, Fenton-Olsen B, Feofilov G, Fernandez Tellez A, Ferretti A, Festanti A, Figiel J, Figueredo M A S, Filchagin S, Finogeev D, Fionda F M, Fiore E M, Floratos E, Floris M, Foertsch S, Foka P, Fokin S, Fragiacomo E, Francescon A, Frankenfeld U, Fuchs U, Furget C, Girard M Fusco, Gaardhoje J J, Gagliardi M, Gago A, Gallio M, Gangadharan D R, Ganoti P, Garabatos C, Garcia-Solis E, Gargiulo C, Garishvili I, Gerhard J, Germain M, Geuna C, Gheata A, Gheata M, Ghidini B, Ghosh P, Gianotti P, Girard M R, Giubellino P, Gladysz-Dziadus E, Glaessel P, Gomez R, Ferreiro E G, Gonzalez-Trueba L H, Gonzalez-Zamora P, Gorbunov S, Goswami A, Gotovac S, Graczykowski L K, Grajcarek R, Grelli A, Grigoras C, Grigoras A, Grigoriev V, Grigoryan S, Grigoryan A, Grinyov B, Grion N, Gros P, Grosse-Oetringhaus J F, Grossiord J-Y, Grosso R, Guber F, Guernane R, Guerzoni B, Guilbaud M, Gulbrandsen K, Gulkanyan H, Gunji T, Gupta A, Gupta R, Haake R, Haaland O, Hadjidakis C, Haiduc M, Hamagaki H, Hamar G, Han B H, Hanratty L D, Hansen A, Harmanova-Tothova Z, Harris J W, Hartig M, Harton A, Hatzifotiadou D, Hayashi S, Hayrapetyan A, Heckel S T, Heide M, Helstrup H, Herghelegiu A, Corral G Herrera, Herrmann N, Hess B A, Hetland K F, Hicks B, Hippolyte B, Hori Y, Hristov P, Hrivnacova I, Huang M, Humanic T J, Hwang D S, Ichou R, Ilkaev R, Ilkiv I, Inaba M, Incani E, Innocenti P G, Innocenti G M, Ippolitov M, Irfan M, Ivan C, Ivanov M, Ivanov A, Ivanov V, Ivanytskyi O, Jacholkowski A, Jacobs P M, Jahnke C, Jang H J, Janik M A, Jayarathna P H S Y, Jena S, Jha D M, Bustamante R T Jimenez, Jones P G, Jung H, Jusko A, Kaidalov A B, Kalcher S, Kalinak P, Kalliokoski T, Kalweit A, Kang J H, Kaplin V, Kar S, Uysal A Karasu, Karavichev O, Karavicheva T, Karpechev E, Kazantsev A, Kebschull U, Keidel R, Ketzer B, Khan P, Khan K H, Khan S A, Khan M M, Khanzadeev A, Kharlov Y, Kileng B, Kim D W, Kim T, Kim M, Kim M, Kim S, Kim B, Kim J S, Kim J H, Kim D J, Kirsch S, Kisel I, Kiselev S, Kisiel A, Klay J L, Klein J, Klein-Boesing C, Kliemant M, Kluge A, Knichel M L, Knospe A G, Koehler M K, Kollegger T, Kolojvari A, Kompaniets M, Kondratiev V, Kondratyeva N, Konevskikh A, Kovalenko V, Kowalski M, Kox S, Meethaleveedu G Koyithatta, Kral J, Kralik I, Kramer F, Kravcakova A, Krelina M, Kretz M, Krivda M, Krizek F, Krus M, Kryshen E, Krzewicki M, Kucera V, Kucheriaev Y, Kugathasan T, Kuhn C, Kuijer P G, Kulakov I, Kumar J, Kurashvili P, Kurepin A, Kurepin A B, Kuryakin A, Kushpil S, Kushpil V, Kvaerno H, Kweon M J, Kwon Y, Ladron de Guevara P, Lakomov I, Langoy R, La Pointe S L, Lara C, Lardeux A, La Rocca P, Lea R, Lechman M, Lee S C, Lee G R, Legrand I, Lehnert J, Lemmon R C, Lenhardt M, Lenti V, Leon H, Leoncino M, Leon Monzon I, Levai P, Li S, Lien J, Lietava R, Lindal S, Lindenstruth V, Lippmann C, Lisa M A, Ljunggren H M, Lodato D F, Loenne P I, Loggins V R, Loginov V, Lohner D, Loizides C, Loo K K, Lopez X, Torres E Lopez, Lovhoiden G, Lu X-G, Luettig P, Lunardon M, Luo J, Luparello G, Luzzi C, Ma R, Ma K, Madagodahettige-Don D M, Maevskaya A, Mager M, Mahapatra D P, Maire A, Malaev M, Maldonado Cervantes I, Malinina L, Mal'Kevich D, Malzacher P, Mamonov A, Manceau L, Mangotra L, Manko V, Manso F, Manzari V, Mao Y, Marchisone M, Mares J, Margagliotti G V, Margotti A, Marin A, Markert C, Marquard M, Martashvili I, Martin N A, Martinengo P, Martinez M I, Garcia G Martinez, Martynov Y, Mas A, Masciocchi S, Masera M, Masoni A, Massacrier L, Mastroserio A, Matyja A, Mayer C, Mazer J, Mazzoni M A, Meddi F, Menchaca-Rocha A, Perez J Mercado, Meres M, Miake Y, Mikhaylov K, Milano L, Milosevic J, Mischke A, Mishra A N, Miskowiec D, Mitu C, Mizuno S, Mlynarz J, Mohanty B, Molnar L, Montano Zetina L, Monteno M, Montes E, Moon T, Morando M, De Godoy D A Moreira, Moretto S, Morreale A, Morsch A, Muccifora V, Mudnic E, Muhuri S, Mukherjee M, Mueller H, Munhoz M G, Murray S, Musa L, Musinsky J, Nandi B K, Nania R, Nappi E, Nayak T K, Nazarenko S, Nedosekin A, Nicassio M, Niculescu M, Nielsen B S, Niida T, Nikolaev S, Nikolic V, Nikulin S, Nikulin V, Nilsen B S, Nilsson M S, Noferini F, Nomokonov P, Nooren G, Nyanin A, Nyatha A, Nygaard C, Nystrand J, Ochirov A, Oeschler H, Oh S K, Oh S, Oleniacz J, Da Silva A C Oliveira, Onderwaater J, Oppedisano C, Velasquez A Ortiz, Oskarsson A, Ostrowski P, Otwinowski J, Oyama K, Ozawa K, Pachmayer Y, Pachr M, Padilla F, Pagano P, Paic G, Painke F, Pajares C, Pal S K, Palaha A, Palmeri A, Papikyan V, Pappalardo G S, Park W J, Passfeld A, Patalakha D I, Paticchio V, Paul B, Pavlinov A, Pawlak T, Peitzmann T, Da Costa H Pereira, De Oliveira Filho E Pereira, Peresunko D, Lara C E Perez, Perrino D, Peryt W, Pesci A, Pestov Y, Petracek V, Petran M, Petris M, Petrov P, Petrovici M, Petta C, Piano S, Pikna M, Pillot P, Pinazza O, Pinsky L, Pitz N, Piyarathna D B, Planinic M, Ploskon M, Pluta J, Pocheptsov T, Pochybova S, Podesta-Lerma P L M, Poghosyan M G, Polak K, Polichtchouk B, Poljak N, Pop A, Porteboeuf-Houssais S, Pospisil V, Potukuchi B, Prasad S K, Preghenella R, Prino F, Pruneau C A, Pshenichnov I, Puddu G, Punin V, Putis M, Putschke J, Qvigstad H, Rachevski A, Rademakers A, Raeihae T S, Rak J, Rakotozafindrabe A, Ramello L, Raniwala S, Raniwala R, Raesaenen S S, Rascanu B T, Rathee D, Rauch W, Rauf A W, Razazi V, Read K F, Real J S, Redlich K, Reed R J, Rehman A, Reichelt P, Reicher M, Reidt F, Renfordt R, Reolon A R, Reshetin A, Rettig F, Revol J-P, Reygers K, Riccati L, Ricci R A, Richert T, Richter M, Riedler P, Riegler W, Riggi F, Rodriguez Cahuantzi M, Manso A Rodriguez, Roed K, Rogochaya E, Rohr D, Rohrich D, Romita R, Ronchetti F, Rosnet P, Rossegger S, Rossi A, Roy C, Roy P, Montero A J Rubio, Rui R, Russo R, Ryabinkin E, Rybicki A, Sadovsky S, Safarik K, Sahoo R, Sahu P K, Saini J, Sakaguchi H, Sakai S, Sakata D, Salgado C A, Salzwedel J, Sambyal S, Samsonov V, Castro X Sanchez, Sandor L, Sandoval A, Sano M, Santagati G, Santoro R, Sarkamo J, Sarkar D, Scapparone E, Scarlassara F, Scharenberg R P, Schiaua C, Schicker R, Schmidt H R, Schmidt C, Schuchmann S, Schukraft J, Schuster T, Schutz Y, Schwarz K, Schweda K, Scioli G, Scomparin E, Scott P A, Scott R, Segato G, Selyuzhenkov I, Senyukov S, Seo J, Serci S, Serradilla E, Sevcenco A, Shabetai A, Shabratova G, Shahoyan R, Sharma S, Sharma N, Rohni S, Shigaki K, Shtejer K, Sibiriak Y, Sicking E, Siddhanta S, Siemiarczuk T, Silvermyr D, Silvestre C, Simatovic G, Simonetti G, Singaraju R, Singh R, Singha S, Singhal V, Sinha T, Sinha B C, Sitar B, Sitta M, Skaali T B, Skjerdal K, Smakal R, Smirnov N, Snellings R J M, Sogaard C, Soltz R, Song J, Song M, Soos C, Soramel F, Sputowska I, Spyropoulou-Stassinaki M, Srivastava B K, Stachel J, Stan I, Stefanek G, Steinpreis M, Stenlund E, Steyn G, Stiller J H, Stocco D, Stolpovskiy M, Strmen P, Suaide A A P, Vasquez M A Subieta, Sugitate T, Suire C, Suleymanov M, Sultanov R, Sumbera M, Susa T, Symons T J M, De Toledo A Szanto, Szarka I, Szczepankiewicz A, Szymanski M, Takahashi J, Tangaro M A, Takaki J D Tapia, Peloni A Tarantola, Martinez A Tarazona, Tauro A, Munoz G Tejeda, Telesca A, Ter Minasyan A, Terrevoli C, Thaeder J, Thomas D, Tieulent R, Timmins A R, Tlusty D, Toia A, Torii H, Toscano L, Trubnikov V, Truesdale D, Trzaska W H, Tsuji T, Tumkin A, Turrisi R, Tveter T S, Ulery J, Ullaland K, Ulrich J, Uras A, Urciuoli G M, Usai G L, Vajzer M, Vala M, Palomo L Valencia, Vallero S, Vyvre P Vande, Van Hoorne J W, van Leeuwen M, Vannucci L, Vargas A, Varma R, Vasileiou M, Vasiliev A, Vechernin V, Veldhoen M, Venaruzzo M, Vercellin E, Vergara S, Vernet R, Verweij M, Vickovic L, Viesti G, Viinikainen J, Vilakazi Z, Baillie O Villalobos, Vinogradov Y, Vinogradov A, Vinogradov L, Virgili T, Viyogi Y P, Vodopyanov A, Voelki M A, Voloshin K, Voloshin S, Volpe G, von Haller B, Vorobyev I, Vranic D, Vrlakova J, Vulpescu B, Vyushin A, Wagner B, Wagner V, Wan R, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang M, Watanabe K, Weber M, Wessels J P, Westerhoff U, Wiechula J, Wikne J, Wilde M, Wilk G, Williams M C S, Windelband B, Winn M, Yaldo C G, Yamaguchi Y, Yang P, Yang H, Yang S, Yasnopolskiy S, Yi J, Yin Z, Yoo I-K, Yoon J, Yu W, Yuan X, Yushmanov I, Zaccolo V, Zach C, Zampolli C, Zaporozhets S, Zarochentsev A, Zavada P, Zaviyalov N, Zbroszczyk H, Zelnicek P, Zgura I S, Zhalov M, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Zhou D, Zhou F, Zhu J, Zhu H, Zhu J, Zhu X, Zichichi A, Zimmermann A, Zinovjev G, Zoccarato Y, Zynovyev M, Zyzak M
  • Use of Bioresorbable Membranes to Reduce Abdominal and Perihepatic Adhesions in 2-Stage Hepatectomy of Liver Metastases From Colorectal Cancer Results of a Prospective, Randomized Controlled Phase II Trial
    Dupre Aurelien, Lefranc Anne, Buc Emmanuel, Delpero Jean Robert, Quenet Francois, Passot Guillaume, Evrard Serge, Rivoire Michel
    ANNALS OF SURGERY, 258(1) , 30- 36, 2013
  • Acoustic droplet-hydrogel composites for spatial and temporal control of growth factor delivery and scaffold stiffness.
    Fabiilli Mario L, Wilson Christopher G, Padilla Frederic, Martin-Saavedra Francisco M, Fowlkes J Brian, Franceschi Renny T
    Acta Biomater, 9(7) , 7399- 7409, 2013
  • Hypobaric spinal anesthesia with ropivacaine plus sufentanil for traumatic femoral neck surgery in the elderly: a dose-response study.
    Lilot Marc, Meuret Pascal, Bouvet Lionel, Caruso Liana, Dabouz Rabia, Deleat-Besson Robert, Rousselet Bernard, Thouverez Bruno, Zadam Abbes, Allaouchiche Bernard, Boselli Emmanuel
    Anesth Analg, 117(1) , 259- 264, 2013
  • Electronic beam steering used with a toroidal HIFU transducer substantially increases the coagulated volume.
    Vincenot Jeremy, Melodelima David, Chavrier Francoise, Vignot Alexandre, Kocot Anthony, Chapelon Jean-Yves
    Ultrasound Med Biol, 39(7) , 1241- 1254, 2013
  • Lack of prognostic significance of conventional peritoneal cytology in colorectal and gastric cancers: results of EVOCAPE 2 multicentre prospective study.
    Cotte E, Peyrat P, Piaton E, Chapuis F, Rivoire M, Glehen O, Arvieux C, Mabrut J -Y, Chipponi J, Gilly F -N
    Eur J Surg Oncol, 39(7) , 707- 714, 2013
  • Influence of imaging and histological factors on prostate cancer detection and localisation on multiparametric MRI: a prospective study.
    Bratan Flavie, Niaf Emilie, Melodelima Christelle, Chesnais Anne Laure, Souchon Remi, Mege-Lechevallier Florence, Colombel Marc, Rouviere Olivier
    Eur Radiol, 23(7) , 2019- 2029, 2013
  • Salvage high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation for prostate cancer local recurrence after external-beam radiation therapy: prognostic value of prostate MRI.
    Rouviere O, Sbihi L, Gelet A, Chapelon J -Y
    Clin Radiol, 68(7) , 661- 667, 2013
  • Prognostic value of troponins in sepsis: a meta-analysis
    Bessiere Francis, Khenifer Safia, Dubourg Julie, Durieu Isabelle, Lega Jean-Christophe
    INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, 39(7) , 1181- 1189, 2013
  • Le Bulletin du Cancer - Cent ans au service de la cancérologie française : Le chirurgien reste-t-il le facteur pronostique principal ?
    Rivoire M
    Eurocancer 2013 - Paris - France
    25-26 Juin 2013
  • Acoustic bubble behavior in a standing wave field
    Desjouy C, Labelle P, Gilles B, Béra JC, Inserra C
    21st International Congress on Acoustics - Montréal - Canada
    2-7 Juin 2013
  • Electromagnetic hydrophone for high-intensity focused ultrasound measurement
    Grasland-Mongrain P, Mari JM, Gilles B, Lafon C
    21st International Congress on Acoustics - Montréal - Canada
    2-7 Juin 2013
  • Thermal ablation by high-intensity-focused ultrasound using a toridal transducer for the treatment of colorectal liver metastases during an open procedure. Clinical results
    Melodelima D, Vincenot J, Chen Y, Dupré A, Rivoire M, Chapelon JY
    21st International Congress on Acoustics - Montréal - Canada
    2-7 Juin 2013
  • Hepatitis fibrosis characterization by a multiparametric study
    Meziri M, Remita N, Machado C, Pereira WCA, Padilla F
    21st International Congress on Acoustics - Montréal - Canada
    2-7 Juin 2013
  • Non-invasive toroidal high intensity focused ultrasound transducer for increasing the coagulated volume in depth
    Vincenot J, Melodelima D, Chavrier F, Chapelon JY
    21st International Congress on Acoustics - Montréal - Canada
    2-7 Juin 2013
  • Electromagnetic hydrophone for high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) measurement
    Grasland-Mongrain P, Mari JM, Gilles B, Lafon C
    21st International Congress on Acoustics - Montréal - Canada
    2-7 Juin 2013
