To set out and perform competitive research on an international level, to win and keep the confidence of our peers, of the supervisory authorities, of our partners and of our sponsors, to adapt to scientific, economic and social contexts, my wish has been, since I took my office in 2016, for our laboratory to keep up with its commitment in Quality process.
Therefore, I named Mrs Magali PERIER as a Quality Manager. I entrusted her with the mission of keeping alive and developing our quality management system based on the ISO 9001 international standard.
In order for this system to fit harmoniously in our activities and keep on improving its efficiency as well as our efficiency, I hereby undertake to :
But, because Quality is a shared concern, I’d remind that everyone is concerned, whatever her/his position within the Laboratory, and I will always be carefully listening and be interested, and so will all the Managers, to any suggestion aiming at improving our QMS and our working methods.
Cyril Lafon
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