Linkedin Labtau  

W. Apoutou N’Djin received the M. Eng. degree in Instrumentation from the National Graduate School of Engineering & Research Center of Caen (Ensicaen, France) in 2004, the M.S. degree in Image & Signal Processing from the Centrale Graduate School of Lyon (ECL, France), in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University Claude Bernard Lyon I (UCBL, University of Lyon, France), in 2008.

From 2005 to 2008, he completed his PhD thesis at the Laboratory of Therapeutic Applications of Ultrasound (LabTAU, Lyon, France) of the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and UCBL, on intraoperative Ultrasound-guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (USgHIFU) therapies for focal thermal ablations of liver metastases. From 2009 to 2011, he joined the Imaging Research Laboratory of the Sunnybrook Research Institute (SRI, Toronto, Canada) and University of Toronto (U of T, Canada), as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow to study endocavitary/interstitial MR-guided High Intensity Collimated Ultrasound (MRgHICU) therapies for conformal thermal ablations of localized tumors in prostate and brain. In 2012, he returned to LabTAU as a Junior Researcher, and has worked there since 2013 as a Research Associate (Principal Investigator). His research interests include focal/conformal image-guided HIFU/HICU therapies, novel MEMs-based ultrasound technologies (CMUTs), and the mechanisms/applications of Focused UltraSound (FUS) neurostimulation. He is involved in translational research, from numerical modeling to experimental development.

Dr. N’Djin has been a member of the International Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU) since 2011, the national French Society of BioMedical Engineering (SFGBM) since 2015, the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (UFFC) since 2016 and the International Transcranial Ultrasonic Stimulation Safety and Standards (ITRUSST) consortium since 2021, among others. Since 2022, he has served as a Member of INSERM’s national Specialized Scientific Commission “Technologies for Health”. In 2019, he received the international Frederic LIZZI Early Career Award of the ISTU (ISTU/EUFUS symposium, Barcelona, Spain).

Personal awards, distinctions and competitions

  • 2023: Co-Laureate of the UCBL Research and Innovation Award 2023 for the winning consortium of the Call for Founding "Equipment" Iconeus System): SBRI (J. Sallet, C.Dehay) - Pilot, LabTAU (W.A. N'Djin), ISC (S. Ben Hamed) and Cermep (L. Zimmer)
  • 2019: Laureate of the Frederic LIZZI Early Career Award of the International Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU) at the 19th International Symposium for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU 2019, Barcelona, Spain), for his contributions in therapeutic ultrasound (;
  • 2017 : Laureate of the Best Paper Award at the 16th International Workshop on Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (MUT 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom) for their work on the in vivo feasibility of high intensity ultrasound generation with CMUTs for interstitial MR-guided brain ablation in the porcine model
  • 2006 : Co-laureate of the Antonin Poncet Prize (5000€) for their work on HIFU liver treatments in the porcine model under intra-operative approach for the treatment of liver metastases of colorectal cancers (LMCC). Vascular and biliary tolerance.

Team prizes, awards and competitions obtained under my supervision

  • 2024: RITS Award - Best Student Poster presentation obtained by Tom Aubier (PhD student) at the National Symposium on Research in Imaging and Technologies for Health organized by the French Society of Biomedical Engineering, for his work on ultrasound neurostimulation of human neural cell networks.
  • 2023: PI position successfully obtained by Ivan M. Suarez Castellanos (Post-Doctoral researcher) at the national competitive recruitment for Research Associates (normal class) of the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM, CSS7 commission: “Technology for Health”)
  • 2023: SFR Award - Best Student Oral presentation obtained by Thomas Biscaldi (PhD student) at the Scientific Day of the Structure Fédérative de Recherche (SFR) Santé Lyon-Est (November 28, 2023, Lyon, France) for his work on Dual-mode ultrasound interstitial catheter for ultrasound image-guided conformal HIFU therapy: experimental validation
  • 2023: Rémi Berriet Award - Best Student Oral Presentation obtained by Tom Aubier (PhD student) at the International Winter School on Therapeutic Ultrasound (March 19-24, 2023, Les Houches, France) for his work on ultrasound neurostimulation of human neural cell networks.

Team Research Fellowships obtained under my supervision

  • 2024 Focused Ultrasound Foundation (FUSF) Summer Global Internship progam as part of the Dan and Lou Jordan Focused Ultrasound Internship Program obtained by Aditya BAISHNOB, undergrade student at University of Calgary (Canada) for a mobility at LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France). Subject: " Characterizing a Biaxial Driven Ring FUS Transducer for Applications in Electrophysiology". Research mobility supervisor at the host laboratory: Dr. W. Apoutou N'DJIN (LabTAU, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France). Research mobility supervisor at the university of origin: Dr. Samuel PICHARDO (NeuoFUS lab, University of Calgary, Canada).
  • 2024 Mitacs Globalink Research Award (GRA) obtained by Aditya BAISHNOB, undergrade student at University of Calgary (Canada) for a mobility at LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France). Subject: " Characterizing a Biaxial Driven Ring FUS Transducer for Applications in Electrophysiology". Research mobility supervisor at the host laboratory: Dr. W. Apoutou N'DJIN (LabTAU, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France). Research mobility supervisor at the university of origin: Dr. Samuel PICHARDO (University of Calgary, Canada).
  • 2024 International French "Neurograduate School PhD Mobility Fellowship" Award obtained by Sarvenaz KHODAYARI, PhD student at LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France) and CRNL (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Inserm U1028 and CNRS UMR5292, France) for a mobility at Imperial College London (London, UK). Subject: "In-vivo Neuromodulation of dopamine by Focused ultrasound". Doctoral mobility supervisor at the host laboratory: Pr. Parastoo Hashemi (Imperial College London, UK). Doctoral mobility supervisors at the laboratory of origin: Dr. Stephane MARINESCO (CRNL, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Inserm U1028 and CNRS UMR5292, France) and W. Apoutou N'DJIN (LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France).
  • 2022 - 2025 Clinical and research activity contract from Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL, Lyon) and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL, Lyon) obtained by Romain L'HUILLIER to carry out a PhD at LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France). Subject: "Conformal tumor ablation of localized hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using interstitial high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)". Thesis supervisors: Pr. Laurent MILOT and Dr. W. Apoutou N'DJIN. Quota of activity dedicated to research: 60% for 3 years
  • 2022 Mitacs Accelerate " International - to Canada " Award obtained by Tom AUBIER, PhD student at LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France) for a mobility at the Department of Radiology, University of Calgary (Calgary, Canada), in partnership with the Canadian start-up NovusTX Devices (Calgary, Canada). Subject: "Development of multiaxial driven ultrasound transducers for Focused Ultrasound (FUS) neurostimulation in microscopy experimentation". Doctoral mobility supervisors: Drs. W. Apoutou N'DJIN and Samuel PICHARDO.
  • 2021 - 2024 Doctoral contract EDISS from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) obtained by Thomas BISCALDI at LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France). Subject: "Interstitial Focused Ultrasound (FUS) guided by Ultrasound Ultrasound Navigation for conformal therapies of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)". Thesis supervisors: Dr. W. Apoutou N'DJIN (LabTAU, INSERM, University of Lyon, France) and Pr. Laurent MILOT (Hospices Civils de Lyon - HCL, University of Lyon, France)
  • 2016 2018 – International Post-doctoral Scholarship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) obtained by Dr. Kazuhiro MATSUI at LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France). Subject: “Real-time FUS field imaging”. Post-doctoral supervisors: Drs. W. A. N’DJIN and Rémi SOUCHON (LabTAU, INSERM, University of Lyon, France)
  • 2016 - 2020 Doctoral contract EDISS from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) obtained by Loïc DAUNIZEAU at LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France). Subject: "Development of conformal ultrasound therapy for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)". Thesis supervisors: Drs. Jean-Yves CHAPELON et W. Apoutou N’DJIN.
  • 2015 – 2016 : Scholarship from the Mitacs Globalink Research Award – Campus France. Scientific exchange for the PhD student Jérémy VION with the Department of Physics, Ryerson University of Toronto, Canada. Doctoral exchange supervisor at the host laboratory: Dr. Dr. Jahan TAVAKKOLI (Ryerson University of Toronto, Canada); Doctoral exchange supervisor at the laboratory of origin : W. Apoutou N’DJIN (LabTAU, INSERM, University of Lyon, France)
  • 2015 2016 – International doctoral scholarship from the Japanese Global Leader Program for Social Design and Management (GSDM) obtained by Kazuhiro MATSUI at LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France). Subject: “Real-time FUS field imaging”. Doctoral supervisors mobility in the host laboratory: Drs. W. A. N’DJIN and Rémi SOUCHON (LabTAU, INSERM, University of Lyon, France); Doctoral supervisors in the laboratory of origin : Pr. Ichiro SAKUMA and Takashi AZUMA (BioMedical Precision Engineering – BMPE – Laboratory, university of Tokyo, Japan).
  • 2015 - 2019 Doctoral contract EDISS from the French Labex Devwecan obtained by Jérémy VION at LabTAU (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I and Inserm U1032, France). Subject: " Study of the Mechanisms Underlying Neurostimulation Induced by Low- Energy Pulsed Ultrasound: Towards Approaches for the Management of Cancer-Related Chronic Pain ". Thesis supervisors: Drs. Jean-Yves CHAPELON et W. Apoutou N’DJIN (INSERM U1032), University Claude Bernard of Lyon, France)
  • 2015 – 2016 : Post-doctoral Scholarship from the Whitaker international award. Funding of the post-doctoral fellowship of Dr. Christopher BAWIEC. Post-doctoral supervisor: Dr. W. A. N’DJIN. LabTAU (INSERM U1032), University Claude Bernard of Lyon, France)


Selected publications :

  • Vion-Bailly J, Suarez-Castellanos IM, Chapelon JY, Carpentier A, N’Djin WA. Neurostimulation success rate of repetitive pulse focused ultrasound in an in vivo giant axon model: An acoustic parametric study. Medical Physics. 2022, 49(1), 682-701.
  • Suarez-Castellanos IM, Dossi E, Vion-Bailly J, Salette L, Chapelon JY, Carpentier A, Huberfeld G, N'Djin WA. Spatiotemporal characterization of causal electrophysiological activity stimulated by single pulse Focused Ultrasound: an ex vivo study on hippocampal brain slices. Journal of Neural Engineering. 2021. 18(2), 026022.
  • Daunizeau L, Nguyen A, Le Garrec M, Chapelon JY, N'Djin WA. Robot-assisted ultrasound navigation platform for 3D HIFU treatment planning: Initial evaluation for conformal interstitial ablation. Computers Biol Med. 2020, 124, 103941.
  • Vion-Bailly J, N’Djin WA, Mauricio Suarez Castellanos I, Mestas JL, Carpentier A & Chapelon JY. A causal study of the phenomenon of ultrasound neurostimulation applied to an in vivo invertebrate nervous model. Scientific Reports 2019; 9: 13738.
  • Petrusca L, Varray F, Souchon R, Bernard A, Chapelon JY, Liebgott H, N'Djin WA, Viallon M. Fast Volumetric Ultrasound B-Mode and Doppler Imaging with a New High-Channels Density Platform for Advanced 4D Cardiac Imaging/Therapy. Appl Sci 2018; 8(2) :200.
  • N’Djin WA, Gerold B, Vion J, Canney M, Sénégond N, Roy M, Carpentier A, Chapelon JY. Capacitive Micro-machined Ultrasound Transducers for Interstitial High Intensity Ultrasound Therapies. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control 2017; 64(8): 1245-1260.
  • N'Djin WA, Burtnyk M, Lipsman N, Bronskill M, Kucharczyk W, Schwartz M, Chopra R. Active MR-temperature feedback control of dynamic interstitial ultrasound therapy in brain: in vivo experiments and modeling in native and coagulated tissues. Medical Physics 2014; 41(9): 093301.
  • Chopra R, Colquhoun A, Burtnyk M, N’Djin WA, Kobelevskiy I, Boyes A, Siddiqui K, Foster H,  Sugar  L,  Haider  M,  Bronskill  M, Klotz  L.  MR imaging-controlled  transurethral  ultrasound therapy for conformal treatment of prostate tissue:  Initial feasibility in humans.  Radiology 2012; 265(1):303-313.
  • Melodelima D, N’Djin WA, Parmentier H, Chesnais S, Rivoire M, Chapelon JY. Thermal ablation by high-intensity-focused ultrasound using a toroid transducer increases the coagulated volume. Results of Animal Experiments. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2009; 35(3):425-435.
  • Parmentier H, Melodelima D, N’Djin WA, Chesnais S, Chapelon JY, Rivoire M. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound ablation for the treatment of colorectal liver metastases during an open procedure. Study on the pig. Annals of Surgery 2009; 249(1):129-136.