Linkedin Labtau  

Corentin C. Cornu is a PhD student coming from Université du Maine (Le Mans, France), holder of research-oriented Master degree in Physical acoustics (2013-2014). The goal of his research at the LabTAU is to control the motion dynamic of a stable cavitation bubble cloud during time. The control of the random behavior of the cavitation phenomenon allows (1) to clearly discriminate the bio-effects induced between stable and inertial cavitation and (2) to ensure a constant stable cavitation activity during time, which leads to promising results for applications like cells sonoporation and Brain-Blood Barrier opening. The thesis project consists in numerical and theoretical investigations of the bubble clouds dynamics and experimental in-vitro studies of the bio-effects induced by ultrasound on the cells.

Co-author of 2 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 4 conferences proceedings, 1 poster

Selected publications in peer-reviewed journals :
• A derivation of the stable cavitation threshold accounting for bubble-bubble interactions, Guédra, M.; Cornu, C. & Inserra, C., Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2017, 38, 168 - 173
• Ultrafast monitoring and control of subharmonic emissions of an unseeded bubble cloud during pulsed sonication, Cornu, C.; Guédra, M.; Béra, J.-C.; Liu, H.-L.; Chen, W.-S. & Inserra, C., Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2018, 42, 697 - 703