Linkedin Labtau  

Charles-André PHILIP

Charles-André PHILIP was born in Lyon, France, in 1986. He obtained is MD degree from University Claude Bernard (Lyon, France), in 2014 and is specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He obtained his Master of Science in Oncology from Lyon 1 University (Lyon, France) during his fellowship in the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research at McGill University (Montreal, Canada) in 2015.

His main clinical and research fields are endometriosis and oncology. He completed a 2 years fellowship in Gynecology-Obstetric in Croix-Rousse University Hospital (HCL, Lyon, France) and contributed with Pr. Gil Dubernard to the description and evaluation of 3D-Rectosonography, a new procedure combining tridimensional sonography and intra-rectal contrast for the diagnosis of rectal endometriosis.

He obtained his PhD thesis in 2020 in the LabTAU (INSERM Unit 1032) and is working alongside with EDAP-TMS, Pr Gil Dubernard and Cyril Lafon, to assess the role of HIFU in the treatment of posterior deep invasive endometriosis.

Charles-André PHILIP obtained the “Daniel DARGENT Price” for the best oral presentation at the 9th SCGP congress (Lyon France) for his speech on 3D-Rectosonography in 2012. He obtained a grant from “Nuovo-Soldati Fundation for cancer research” and from “La Region Rhone-Alpes” for his work on PARP inhibitors and PI3K inhibitors combination in endometrial cancer in 2014. He is currently member of the FRIENDS group for research on endometriosis.